Mimi’s Passover Chicken L’Orange

1 roasting chicken 3 to 5 oranges, depending on the size of the oranges and the chicken. Wash the chicken in cold water and clean out cavities. Stuff the chicken with the oranges and use a string truss, if you wish, to tie the legs together. Take an extra orange and squeeze out the juice…

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Featured Holiday – Passover

Passover: A Tale Told through Food The history of Passover is recorded in the Bible; after centuries of brutal slavery in Egypt, the Jews were delivered by Divine agency and under the guidance of Moses to freedom. The cruel Pharaoh refused to let them go, however, until the Egyptians were inflicted with Ten Plagues. The…

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Latkes (potato pancakes)

4 medium potatoes (about 1-1/2 pounds) 3 T. rendered chicken fat (schmaltz) 2 lightly beaten eggs 2 cloves garlic, finely minced 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons cooking oil Sour cream (optional) Applesauce (optional) 1. Peel and finely shred potatoes. In a mixing bowl combine potatoes with chicken fat, eggs, garlic, and salt. Using 1/3 cup…

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